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React Native Flexbox made easy
Flexbox is a YUGE improvement over older CSS positioning systems. The power packed in Flexbox is actually quite incredible...
DO Repeat Yourself (Laravel Edition)
OK, the title is clickbait, go against the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle and you'll trigger the Internet...
Using Laravel Passport with React Native
Let's add authentication & authorization to our (very) simple Chat app. Please refer to the previous article for most of our...
Using laravel-echo-server with React Native
Let's build a proof-of-concept chat app using the following technologies: Laravel, React Native, Redis + laravel-echo-server, Socket.io...
Absolute vs. Relative import paths (NodeJS)
Everyone's heard about the infamous "relative path hell" in NodeJS, and while there are a lot of different solutions out there, none is standard...
Fixing import path hell (React Native, ESLint, VS Code)
I see several advantages to getting rid of the import path hell: Easier to move files around (inner file imports relative to project root), Easier to refactor...