Fixing import path hell (React Native, ESLint, VS Code)

Jun 11, 2019

I see several advantages to getting rid of the import path hell:

  • Easier to move files around (inner file imports relative to project root)
  • Easier to refactor import paths (think “Find & Replace”)
  • Easier to locate a file (mental model)

That said, it should not come at the cost of a lesser Developer experience. If aliasing a folder breaks an ESLint rule and/or prevents code navigation (“Go to definition”), it’s a no go.

Let’s see how to setup a complete folder aliasing solution.

Metro bundler

The React Native metro bundler comes with a nice little feature that allows you to alias sub-folders.

Given this app file structure:

tree -d ./src/

├── config
├── services
├── views
│   └── atoms

Adding a simple package.json inside the src folder:

// ./src/package.json

    "name": "app"

Will allow you to import files relative to the chosen “app” alias:

import Config from 'app/config';

import Api from 'app/services/api';

import Button from 'app/views/atoms/button';


VS Code

Now we need to tell VS Code (IntelliSense) how to resolve those aliased paths.

// ./jsconfig.json

    "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
            "app/*": ["./src/*"]


One of the most useful & helpful ESLint plugin that I came across is eslint-plugin-import.


In my example, I decided to alias the src folder “app”. If I had decided to go for the simpler case and alias my src folder “src”, I could have used the standard eslint-import-resolver-node resolver.

And I would simply have to tell this resolver where to load the “Node modules” from, adding the app root folder as another moduleDirectory:

# ./.eslintrc.yaml

            extensions: [".js", ".android.js", ".ios.js", ".web.js"]
                - node_modules
                - . # <-- app root

But since I believe “app” makes for a better alias than “src” (too generic), I had to battle a little more in order to get things working.


# ./.eslintrc.yaml

            extensions: [".js", ".android.js", ".ios.js", ".web.js"]
                - ["app", "./src"]

Here we go. We’re all setup.

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